DBS and other checks

Self-declaration form

As part of the admissions and selection process, applicants are required to complete a self-declaration form indicating if they have any criminal offences.

Please note that the information you declare does not necessarily rule out your application. However, if you have a criminal conviction you may be asked for further information about this before a decision is made. 

DBS and other checks

After a student has accepted a place and registered on the programme, they are required to complete an Enhanced Declaration form for the DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) and will be asked to register for the DBS Update Service

In addition to the enhanced DBS check, students are required to declare any past disciplinary offences. The University also asks students to advise them if they have ever been involved in providing care for someone, and that care has been subject of a protection enquiry by a local authority. 

Anything identified through these checks will be reviewed by the relevant member(s) of staff and further information may be requested to assist with the review process.

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