Anna Dent (UK)

Returning to study as a mature student was a big decision, but one that I fully recommend. I decided to take a break from full time work to study for the MSc in Public Policy, motivated by both the potential to enhance my skills for my return to work, but also to enjoy the opportunity to gain perspective and refresh my approach to the subject.

Where are they now?

As a freelance consultant I knew that I wanted to develop my skills to be able to deliver more research and policy-focused work, and the masters programme has definitely helped me to do that. Research Methods in particular, was a great practical unit, and I use the skills and knowledge I gained on an almost daily basis.

The topics covered in the units Public Management and Organisations, and Power, Politics and the Policy Process most closely link to my professional experience, and I’ve found myself revisiting my lecture notes on a range of issues including contracting, innovation and policy transfer.

In some ways however, it was the topics least familiar to me that were the most inspiring, forcing me to tackle completely new ideas and ways of thinking. The opportunity to refresh my skills and re-frame my thinking mid-point in my career has provided a real boost to my prospects.

Since graduating I’ve worked on some interesting freelance proposals, including:

  • researching international models of good practice on vocational learning;
  • developing cultural policy and strategy for a London local authority;
  • providing evidence and learning support to several employment and health innovation projects.

I’ve also blogged about my dissertation research for the RSA (Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce), given a presentation on my research at a conference in Finland, and written an article for The Guardian.

Without the learning from the MSc in Public Policy and the time and space it allowed me to undertake my own research, these opportunities would have been much harder to access.

Anna Dent
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