Social Work and Social Policy - REF 2021 results

We are delighted that the outstanding research in the School for Policy Studies has been recognised in the REF 2021 results.

98 percent

98% of research rated world-leading or internationally excellent


2nd in the UK overall for research excellence (THE)


Joint 1st in the UK for 100% rating for research impact and research environment


  • 98% of our Social Work and Social Policy research was rated overall as either world-leading (4*) or internationally excellent (3*).
  • 71% of our research was deemed world-leading (4*).
  • 100% of our impact case studies were graded world-leading (4*).
  • Our outstanding research environment was also given the maximum score of 100% graded world-leading (4*).
  • Ranked 2nd highest overall of all units in UK higher education that were submitted under the Social Work and Social Policy Unit of Assessment (Times Higher Education).
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