MMB Webinar 3 – Syrian mental health assessment and migration study: preliminary findings from a mixed-methods study
With Loubaba Mamluk and Sabi Redwood.
Online webinar
Triggered by the war in Syria, 4.6 million Syrians formed the largest refugee population from a single conflict in a generation. This seminar discusses the findings of a mixed methods study to (1) assess psychological wellbeing and estimate the burden of mental ill-health, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), in the Syrian refugee population in the UK and describe how this changes over time; and (2) generate detailed accounts of experiences at each of the migration stages (pre-departure, travel, and destination), using narrative methodology, and (3) compare the findings for those arriving under VPRS and those arriving in the UK to seek asylum. Further information and a link to register here.
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