GIC/GRC Seminar - Radioactive feminism: Contesting gender, race and coloniality in the global nuclear order
Dr Catherine Eschler
10 Priory Road G.2
This presentation explores the contours of a revitalised feminist IR research agenda on nuclear politics. It revisits and reworks the argument first made by Cold War feminist anti-nuclear protestors that the nuclear order is sustained partly through gendered identities and rhetoric, which must be exposed and challenged. Despite the documented influence of these protestors on feminist IR scholars in the 80s and 90s, there has been near-silence in our field around nuclear issues as the decades progressed, the singular prominence of Carol Cohn’s 1987 article ‘Sex and Death in the Rational World of Defence Intellectuals’ testament not only to its resonance, but also to the sidelining of work from non-Western contexts and a lack of wider scholarly discussion. However, the publication of an International Affairs special issue in 2022, edited by myself and shine choi, marks the emergence of a new, collective feminist IR research agenda on this topic. In this presentation I will discuss how the special issue deepens feminist thinking on nuclear politics by taking race and coloniality more seriously. In so doing, it shifts dominant framings of the spatial and temporal dynamics of the global nuclear order and expands our conception of feminist antinuclear sources and voices. The presentation will also explore some of the ways in which I am currently taking this research agenda forward in my own work.
Contact information
Ana E Juncos or Roberta Guerrina