A conference in honour of Tariq Modood

28 September 2022, 5.30 PM - 28 September 2022, 7.00 PM

Zara Mohammed, Gary Younge and John Denham

Reception Room, Wills Memorial Building, Queens Road, Bristol


A conference in honour of Tariq Modood 

Reception Room, Wills Memorial Building, Queens Road 

 Wednesday, 28th September 2022, 5.30pm-7pm 

Public Event with Zara Mohammed, Gary Younge and John Denham 

'Who Do We Think We Are?' 

Please register at: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/who-do-we-think-we-are-tickets-405277083667 


Thursday, 29th September 2022, 9am -6pm 

Friday, 30th September 2022, 9am -6pm 


Conference Programme (Office document, 143kB) 

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