Children as subjects of control: interventions in children's mobilities
Michael Boampong, Esther Bott and Sam Okeyere
This MMB webinar addresses interventions currently being made into children’s mobility by different actors across the world.
The prevailing global north construction of childhood as a period of innocence and dependence means that the independent mobility of those deemed to be children (whether in search of pleasure, earning opportunities, or even safety) is imagined as fraught with danger. It is frequently discussed under the rubric of ‘trafficking’, whether or not movement was organised by an adult, whether or not it was actively chosen by the child, and whether or not it led to harmful outcomes. Likewise, moral anxieties about and policy interest in adult-controlled child mobility do not necessarily reflect a concern with the wishes or interests of the child concerned.
The three papers presented at this seminar address different kinds of interventions currently being made into children’s mobility by different actors, opening up questions about how and why lines between legitimate/illegitimate and benign/harmful are drawn in popular, policy, and academic discourse on children’s movement.
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