Pushback, backsliding and resistance: global challenges to gender+ equality
Is gender+ equality under threat? Is the global landscape now defined by attempts to dilute progress on gender+ equality?
COVID-19 has highlighted the enduring nature of inequalities. In the last twelve months, we have seen an alarming rise in gender-based violence, job losses disproportionately affective women workers and the unequal gender divisions of labour in the home. Against the backdrop of the pandemic, the abortion ban in Poland demonstrates an increased curtailment of women’s sexual and reproductive rights. Equally, the ban on gender studies programmes in Hungary highlights the momentum of an anti-gender movement.
Our roundtable will explore the backlash against gender+ equalities and gender studies, as well as opportunities for transnational feminist organising and solidarity movements.
The event will be chaired by Prof Roberta Guerrina, who will be joined by:
Cynthia Enloe (Clark University)
Andrea Krizsan (CEU)
Liliana Popescu (SNSPA)
Khushi Singh Rathore (Jawahrlal Nehru University)
Please register for the webinar at: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/pushback-backsliding-and-resistance-global-challenges-to-gender-equalitytickets-138969261803
Queries or problems accessing the event, please email: gender-research-centre@bristol.ac.uk