Accommodation List

Accommodation near the conference venue

         Single £55
         Double/Twin £70

  • The Regency Bristol Hotel  (5-10 minute walk)
    St Paul’s Road, Clifton

    single £50 (shared bathroom)
    single ensuite £65 (ensuite)
    Double £80 (ensuite)

  • The Clifton Hotel (5-10 minute walk)
    St Paul’s Road, Clifton

         Single £54
         Twin £71
         Double £61

  • IBIS hotel (20-25 minute uphill walk)
    Bristol harbourside

    (The number 9 bus has a bus stop on Elton road which is on the corner of Woodland road, the bus stop is at the bottom of Park Street)

    Standard room (single/double) £62

  • Bristol Marriott Royal Hotel (20 minute uphill walk)
    College Green

    (The number 9 bus has a bus stop on Elton road which is on the corner of Woodland road, the bus stop is at the bottom of Park Street)

    Standard room approx. £95


If you encounter any problems with trying to book accommodation please contact

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