Copyright licensing schemes

The University holds licences issued by the following organisations: 

1. Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA)

For details of what staff and students are permitted to photocopy and scan, please see the Photocopying Guidelines and Scanning Guidelines

2. Newspaper Licensing Agency (NLA)

Under the terms of the University’s licence, staff are permitted to copy cuttings from the main daily and Sunday newspapers, and from the Bristol Evening Post and the Western Daily Press.

The following restrictions apply:

  • Overseas newspapers are excluded from the licence, other than a number of French newspapers.
  • Only paper copies are currently permitted (not electronic copies)
  • No more than 250 copies should be made of any cutting.

3. Educational Recording Agency (ERA)

The University is covered by an ERA licence which permits members of staff to record cable and broadcast programmes for educational purposes and to make copies of those recordings for educational purposes. The Licence does not permit the following:

  • The performance of recordings in front of a private or public audience which has made a payment to see the performance.
  • The copying of videos bought commercially.

The terms of the licence require that all recordings should be labelled with the date and title of each recording together with a statement: "This recording is to be used only for non-commercial educational purposes under the terms of the ERA licence".

From 1 July 2013 the repetoire of the Open University Worldwide Limited will be covered by the ERA licence.

4. Performing Rights Society (PRS) and Phonographic Performance Limited (PPL)

Staff and students who wish to play music in a public area will need to consider whether they need a PRS/PPL licence. Certain licences are held by the University but these do not apply on a global basis.  Please contact the University Venues and Events Team for further information.