Publication scheme

The University's Publication Scheme has been organised in line with the Information Commissioner's Model Publication Scheme for Higher Education.

The scheme is a guide to the information the University intends to publish routinely to comply with its obligations under the Freedom of Information Act. The University strives to be as open as possible in its attitudes, operations, policies and processes, and is pleased to share information about its activities.

Publication Scheme (PDF, 173kB)

How can someone make a request for information?

The easiest way for someone to make an FOI request is to email:

You may also write to the Information Rights Officer at:

Secretary's Office
Senate House
Tyndall Avenue
Bristol BS8 1TH

What is a publication scheme?

A publication scheme is a document setting down, in a clear and structured way, the different types of information about the University. Information is grouped into sections to make it easier for people to find what they are looking for.

What information is available in the scheme?

The categories of information are as follows (as set out in the Information Commissioner's guidance):

  • who we are and what we do;
  • what we spend and how we spend it;
  • what our priorities are and how we are doing;
  • how we make decisions;
  • our policies and procedures;
  • lists and registers;
  • the services we offer;

What about information not included in the scheme?

If you would like to request access to information not included in our Publication Scheme, you can make a request under the Act. The University must respond to requests within 20 working days by:

  • confirming whether it holds the information requested, and
  • either providing a copy or summary of the information, or arranging for the enquirer to inspect the information,
  • or giving reasons why it has withheld the information

What about information about me?

Individuals have the right of access to your personal information under the Data Protection Act.

Information on the University published elsewhere

Information about the University is also published by:

The University of Bristol Acts 1909, 1960, 1974 can be purchased in hard copy and alternative formats from The Stationery Office: PO Box 29, St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich NR3 1GN, Tel 0870 600 5522

If you have any comments to make regarding the Scheme please email the Information Rights Officer at