Tell us about your results

Check whether you need to tell us your results

If your qualifications are included in the following list, UCAS will notify us of your results and you do not need to do anything.

  • GCE A-level
  • AS-level
  • Scottish Higher
  • Scottish Advanced Higher
  • Welsh Baccalaureate Advanced Skills Challenge
  • Irish Leaving Certificate 
  • BTEC examinations
  • Access to HE Diploma
  • Cambridge Pre-U
  • International Baccalaureate
    (We will only receive IB results if your school or your IBIS account has agreed permission for results to be shared with the University. If not, you must tell us your results.)

If your qualifications are not included in this list and you are taking any other exams (for example, IELTS, foundation programmes or any international qualifications), you must tell us your results. 

How to tell us your results

Please do not post original documents to us.

We must receive all your results by 31 August 2024 to confirm your place with us. If you are unable to upload your results by 31 August, contact us before this date to let us know why.

Any certificates not in English must also have a certified translation into English as well as the original uploaded to your dashboard. This must be signed or stamped by an official translation service or education provider.

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