Fellowship schemes in the Faculty of Science and Engineering

Below is a list of some of the key fellowships schemes available for researchers in Science and Engineering. Some schemes have internal processes with an internal deadline much earlier than the funder’s deadline.  University staff should visit our SharePoint site for more information on how to apply for a fellowship, and to see which scheme have mandatory processes

Research Development can offer support in developing your applications, including:

Further support is offered to applicants, by contacting rda-engsci@bristol.ac.uk. Please also ensure you discuss your application with the academic sponsor and/or mentor. If you are unsure who to contact, please contact the relevant School Research Director to discuss your application:

School Faculty Contact
School of Civil, Aerospace and Design Engineering (CADE) Engineering Prof. Richard Trask R.S.Trask@bristol.ac.uk 
School of Electrical, Electronic and Mechanical Engineering (EEME) Engineering Prof. Chris Truman C.E.Truman@bristol.ac.uk 
School of Computer Science (COMS) Engineering Dr. Ruzanna Chitchyan r.chitchyan@bristol.ac.uk
School of Engineering Maths and Technology (SEMT) Engineering Prof. Eddie Wilson Re.Wilson@bristol.ac.uk
School of Chemistry Science Prof. Carmen Galan - srd-chemistry@bristol.ac.uk
School of Earth Sciences Science Prof. James Wookey - srd-earth-sciences@bristol.ac.uk
School of Geographical Sciences Science

Dr. Josh Dean (Physical Geography) josh.dean@bristol.ac.uk

Dr. Sean Fox (Human Geography) sean.fox@bristol.ac.uk

School of Mathematics Science Prof. Viveka Erlandsson - maths-research@bristol.ac.uk
School of Physics Science Prof. Stephen Hayden - s.hayden@bristol.ac.uk


Funder/Scheme Description Approx Deadline Internal Process
BBSRC Discovery Fellowships

Supports researchers in gaining leadership skills by undertaking independent research in any area of science within the council’s remit. The Discovery Fellowships will support the transition of early stage researchers to fully independent research leaders.



ESRC Postdoctoral Fellowships 

This is a postdoctoral fellowship to develop: publications, networks, research skills and professional skills. Proposals are welcome from both single disciplines and combinations of disciplines, but the fellowship activities must be based at least 50% within the social sciences. 

The application process is managed by the South West Doctoral Training Partnership. See the call website here for further details.

March  None

EPSRC Postdoctoral Fellowships

Internal process:  Interested applicants need to contact the School Research Director and Head of School, where you would like your fellowship to be hosted, for approval to apply to this scheme. 

No fixed deadlines  Yes
EPSRC Open Fellowships  Internal process:  Interested applicants need to contact the School Research Director and Head of School, where you would like your fellowship to be hosted, for approval to apply to this scheme. 

No fixed deadlines


Leverhulme Early Career Fellowships 

For Early Career Researchers who have not yet held a full-time permanent academic position who would like to undertake a significant piece of research.

Our support for this scheme varies from year to year, please contact us at research-development@bristol.ac.uk or your academic supervisor to enquire. 

 February  Yes
Leverhulme Research Fellowship Open to experienced researchers, particularly those who have been prevented, due to duties, from completing a programme of original research.  November  None
NERC Independent Research Fellowships  

To enable outstanding early career research scientists to develop into international science leaders in the areas of Environmental Sciences.

Internal process: We request that the applicant submits an expression of interest to apply at the beginning of July so that the applicant’s School and the Research Development team can offer them full support with their application development over the summer. We usually hold an information session in May about the scheme and the support we offer, which prospective applicants (Internal and external) are encouraged to attend.

Information session: May

Internal deadline: Early July 

 TBC  Yes (non-mandatory)
Royal Academy of Engineering Chair in Emerging Technologies

The Academy’s Chair in Emerging Technologies scheme aims to identify global research visionaries and provide them with long term support to lead on developing emerging technology areas with high potential to deliver economic and social benefit to the UK. 

This scheme is not offered regularly. If you are interested in applying please contact research-development@bristol.ac.uk when the new call is announced.

 Various  Please enquire
Royal Academy of Engineering Research Chairs/Senior Research Fellowships  This scheme aims to strengthen the links between industry and academia by supporting exceptional academics in UK universities to undertake use-inspired research that meets the needs of the industrial partners. Awardees are expected to establish or enhance a world leading engineering research group and deliver 'use-inspired' research that meets the needs of their industrial partners.  March, September

 None, but please contact the Research Development Manager for your Faculty for support.

Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowships Support for outstanding early career science or engineering researchers to carry out unclassified research on specific, pre-determined topics in intelligence, security and defence communities.

Internal process: Host organisations are usually capped in the number of applications they can submit to the Royal Academy of Engineering. We therefore hold a selection panel, usually in July. 

 September  Yes
Royal Academy of Engineering UK Intelligence Community Postdoctoral Research Fellowships Support for outstanding early career science or engineering researchers to carry out unclassified research on specific, pre-determined topics in intelligence, security and defence communities.  April  None
Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851 Research Fellowships 1851 Research Fellowships are intended to give early career scientists or engineers of exceptional promise the opportunity to conduct a research project of their own instigation; an ultimate objective is to contribute to the knowledge base required for a healthy and innovative national culture. Around eight awards are made each year.  January/February  None


Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowships

Offers a recognised first step into an independent research career for outstanding scientists and engineers at an early stage of their research career. The applicant must have a need for a flexible working pattern due to personal circumstances, such as parenting or caring responsibilities or health issues.  November  None
Royal Society Research Professorship  The Royal Society Research Professorships are the Society's premier research awards, which provide long term support to world-class researchers of outstanding achievement and promise:
  • who are currently prevented from achieving full research capability by competing duties (i.e. already based in the UK)
  • who wish to relocate to the UK to undertake their research

There have not been any calls since 2020. Please contact the Research Development Manager for your Faculty for support, when the next call is announced.

 -  Please enquire
Royal Society University Research Fellowships

To provide outstanding scientists, who have the potential to become leaders in their chosen field, with the opportunity to build an independent research career, in the areas of natural sciences and engineering.

Internal process: We request that the applicant submits an expression of interest to apply at the beginning of July so that the applicant’s School and the Research Development team can offer them full support with their application development over the summer. We usually hold an information session in May about the scheme and the support we offer, which prospective applicants (Internal and external) are encouraged to attend.

Information session: May

Internal deadline: Early July 

 September  Yes (non-mandatory)
STFC Ernest Rutherford Fellowships

To enable early career researchers with clear leadership potential to establish a strong, independent research programme in the remit of STFC (astronomy, solar and planetary science, particle physics, particle astrophysics, cosmology, nuclear physics, accelerator science)

Internal process: There is a limit on the number of applications we are able to submit from two Schools – the School of Earth Sciences and the School of Physics. Please contact the relevant points of contact listed on the funder page here, or the School Research Director, if you are interested in applying for this fellowship.

 October Yes
UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships

The previous rounds (2018-2020) aimed to support excellent and high potential future research and innovation leaders transition to/establish independence.

Further rounds of this scheme are anticipated in 2022. An internal process is likely to be in place. Please contact us (rd-fellowships@bristol.ac.uk) for further information when the call is announced. 

 -  Please enquire
Wellcome Early Careers Awards This scheme provides funding for early-career researchers from any discipline who are ready to develop their research identity. Through innovative projects, they will deliver shifts in understanding that could improve human life, health and wellbeing. By the end of the award, they will be ready to lead their own independent research programme.

The proposed research can be in any discipline - as long as it has the potential to improve human life, health and wellbeing, and aligns with the funder’s funding remit.

 October  None