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QET Labs host seventh Quantum in the Summer school

9 August 2021

The QET Labs engagement team host our seventh Quantum in the Summer school

Our Quantum in the Summer school is a free week-long workshop aimed at sixth form students, to introduce them to important concepts in quantum physics, and as a taster for what it's like to study physics at university. As well as the lessons covering everything from the foundations of quantum mechanics to integrated optics, we had a live HOM dip demonstration, a hands-on quantum eraser experiment, lab tours, and a careers panel. 

With much planning, we managed to hold the summer school as a face-to-face event, while adhering to Covid University guidelines. While this was a challenge, it made a big difference to be able to have lab tours, experiments and social events in person. In addition, we were able to invite students from the 2020 summer school (held virtually last year) back to join us for the live interactive activities that they missed out on last year. 

We’ve received great feedback from the students and even some parents: 

  • “Thank you so much for the week, it was incredible. It really inspired me to keep working towards university physics and further. You did a great job!” 
  • “I genuinely feel like I gained so much from talking to people in the field that I want to work in and has made me a lot more confident in pursuing physics.” 

Thanks to our sponsors for supporting the event, and a huge thank you to the many volunteers from QET Labs who gave up their time to help and make the summer school this year such a success. We're already looking forward to the next one!

Quantum in the Summer 2021 team – Elliott Hastings, Reece Shaw, Naomi Solomons, Matthew Stafford, Marissa Harrison, Bhavana Sharma

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