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Meet the new QET Labs Co-Directors

New QET Labs Co-Directors, Associate Professors Anthony Laing and Jonathan Matthews

5 January 2021

Congratulations to Associate Professors Anthony Laing and Jonathan Matthews have now been appointed as Joint Co-Directors of QET Labs.

Anthony and Jonathan will continue to lead and manage their own research grants and groups, and in addition take over the responsibilities of leading QET Labs.

This new appointment follows the stepping down of Professor John Rarity FRS as Director of QET Labs. We are all grateful to John for his leadership over the last few years and thank him for his work and commitment. John's work at QET Labs continues as he focuses on his research grants and projects.

Anthony Laing's research group investigates how new technologies can be realised by harnessing the unusual properties of quantum physics. Over the coming years and decades, this field will have an increasing impact upon society, bringing a technological revolution potentially as far reaching as that of the information age of the twentieth century, or the industrial revolution. Among these advances, quantum computers and quantum simulators, will solve certain problems that would take conventional computers the lifetime of the universe to solve.

Jonathan Matthews' research group largely falls into the areas of integrated quantum photonics, quantum metrology, quantum walks and quantum information processing, with his research contributions being recognized most recently by award of a Philip Leverhulme Prize for Physics (2021).

For further information about the research groups of our new Co-Directors, please visit our research page.

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