Student Wellbeing

This page is for GP teachers who wish to find out more information about student wellbeing. If you are a student, please visit the university student wellbeing page.

From time to time GP teachers will be confronted with students who cause them concern. Things that might be a cause of concern: 

  • Professional behaviour and attitude e.g. Rude to peers, patients, teachers or staff
  • Inappropriate dress, consistently late or unprepared or not contributing to group discussions/group activities.
  • Pastoral e.g. GP teacher becomes aware of a mental health or family issue that is impacting on the student’s ability to study.
  • Safety e.g. A patient or colleague has been put at risk by a student’s actions 
  • Clinical knowledge/skills e.g. The GP teacher considers that the student does not have the expected level of clinical knowledge or skills (including communication skills) for their stage.
  • Poor attendance

What should you do if a student presents in this way?

  • Use this flow chart Student Support Advice Flow Chart (PDF, 110kB)
  • Discuss your concerns with the student
  • Discuss the case with the GP year lead 
  • You are likely to be asked to put your concerns and an outline of your discussion in writing in student referral form. This form, along with further information about the student referral process can be found on the Student Fitness to Practice page. This is reviewed by the Fitness to Practice Case Investigators and an appropriate referral made either for student support, help with professionalism or in more serious cases a case investigator meeting. 
  • Signpost the student to the University Student Wellbeing page

The Charlie Waller Memorial Trust provides six short video modules if you would like to find out more about supporting students in difficulty.

Charcoal drawing of a person with a stethoscope around their neck and their head in their hands
Exploring stress levels and coping strategies in the medical profession Image credit: Laura Connolly, Year 1 Medical Student

For more medical student art, visit Out of Our Heads

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