
Society for Academic Primary Care Annual Scientific Meeting 2024 – Welcome to Bristol! 1 July 2024 From 3-5 July, we will be welcoming over 400 delegates from the UK and internationally to Bristol for this year’s Society for Academic Primary Care (SAPC) Annual Scientific Meeting. SAPC is the leading organisation championing academic primary care in the UK.
  • Society for Academic Primary Care Annual Scientific Meeting 2024 – Welcome to Bristol! 1 July 2024 From 3-5 July, we will be welcoming over 400 delegates from the UK and internationally to Bristol for this year’s Society for Academic Primary Care (SAPC) Annual Scientific Meeting. SAPC is the leading organisation championing academic primary care in the UK.
  • Festchrift for Professor Chris Salisbury 6 June 2024 This week we celebrated the distinguished career of our esteemed colleague, Chris Salisbury, Professor of Primary Health Care at the Centre for Academic Primary Care (CAPC) and National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Senior Investigator, who will be retiring at the end of the month.
  • Professor Gene Feder elected to the Academy of Medical Sciences Fellowship 22 May 2024 Professor Gene Feder OBE, Professor of Primary Care at the Centre for Academic Primary Care, University of Bristol, has been elected to the Academy of Medical Sciences’ respected and influential Fellowship. He joins 58 biomedical and health scientists selected for their exceptional contributions to the advancement of medical science.
  • Cash incentives drive weight loss in men 15 May 2024 The Game of Stones research study offered men £400 for losing weight.
  • RAPID-Test trial completes recruitment early 8 May 2024 A major clinical trial investigating whether GP use of rapid diagnostic tests for respiratory (chest) infections can reduce same-day antibiotic prescribing in primary care has completed recruitment early.
  • Call for submissions to Turning the Tide exhibition 2 May 2024 As part of the programme for this year’s Society for Academic Primary Care Annual Scientific Meeting (SAPC ASM), which we are hosting in Bristol on 3-5 July, we are inviting submissions for an art exhibition on the theme of water and health. Successful submissions will be displayed at the conference and online. There will be prizes of £150 for outstanding entries. Anyone is welcome to make a submission, including delegates to the conference.
  • CHICO intervention helps GPs decide whether to prescribe antibiotics for children with respiratory infections 30 April 2024 Clinicians have found the ‘CHIldren with acute COugh’ (CHICO) intervention valuable in supporting decision-making around antibiotic prescribing and facilitating discussions with carers about concerns and treatment options, according to University of Bristol led research published in the British Journal of General Practice.
  • New Centre for Applied Excellence in Skin and Allergy Research 25 April 2024 The University of Bristol is home to a new Centre for Applied Excellence in Skin and Allergy Research (CAESAR), which has been established to improve the diagnosis and treatment of common skin and allergy problems in primary care.
  • Exploring health inequalities in primary care: ethnicity, antibiotics and respiratory health 18 April 2024 First-year University of Bristol PhD student, Anna Pathmanathan, is exploring respiratory health outcomes and antibiotic prescribing trends among different ethnicities. She shared information about her project during one of the People in Health West of England’s researcher coffee catch-ups.
  • Exploring knowledge sharing approaches in NIHR research: a systematic review 17 April 2024 Evidence on the effectiveness of knowledge sharing techniques and approaches in National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) funded research could be improved, according to a newly published systematic review, which was supported by the NIHR Dissemination and Knowledge Mobilisation team.
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