Current projects
- Supported exercise TrAining for Men with prostate caNcer on Androgen deprivation therapy (STAMINA) Rosario D, Bourke, L, Taylor S, Farrin A, Hewison J, Steed L, Brown J, Mason, M, Doherty P, Meads D Sutton E, Greenfield D, Morrisey D, Hartley S, Collinson M, Baker T. Funder: NIHR Programme Grant for Applied Research (2018-2023)
- Mistletoe and Breast Cancer (MAB) study: a pilot feasibility RCT. Huntley A, Feder G (Co-PIs). Funder: Camphill Wellbeing Trust. (Awarded May 2017)
Completed projects
- CANDID: Cancer diagnosis decision rules. P Little, T Fahey, A Hay, R Hobbs, I Nazareth, E Kontopantelis, D van der Windt. Funder: NIHR School for Primary Care Research (2018)
- Predicting prostate cancer progression: Protocol for retrospective cohort study to identify prognostic factors for prostate cancer outcomes using routine primary care data’ Merriel SWD, May M, Martin RM. Funder: NIHR (2016-2018)
- Enhancing quality of life for men with prostate cancer: a mixed methods review. Huntley A. Funder: NIHR Research for Patient Benefit (2014)
- DISCO: Optimising diagnosis of symptomatic cancer. W Hamilton, F Walter, J Banks, K Turner, S Hollinghurst, T Peters, T Ades, A Raffle, J Emery, G Rubin, C Bankhead, P Rose, P Brindle, R Neal, J Knowles. National Institute for Health Research. Further information can be found at the programme website:
Continuity and Detection of cancer in Primary Care (CaDoc-PC). M Ridd, C Salisbury, A Montgomery, W Hamilton. Cancer Research UK. 2011-2012.