
Pink ribbon cancer symbol on a grey background

Current projects

Completed projects

  • CANDID: Cancer diagnosis decision rules. P Little, T Fahey, A Hay, R Hobbs, I Nazareth, E Kontopantelis, D van der Windt. Funder: NIHR School for Primary Care Research (2018)
  • Enhancing quality of life for men with prostate cancer: a mixed methods review. Huntley A. Funder: NIHR Research for Patient Benefit (2014)
  • DISCO: Optimising diagnosis of symptomatic cancer. W Hamilton, F Walter, J Banks, K Turner, S Hollinghurst, T Peters, T Ades, A Raffle, J Emery, G Rubin, C Bankhead, P Rose, P Brindle, R Neal, J Knowles. National Institute for Health Research. Further information can be found at the programme website:


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