The aim of the research is to see what action can be taken to reduce the impacts of family and relationship violence on young people’s wellbeing and future relationships.
The interview will be completely confidential with an experienced, non-judgemental researcher. Interviews will last about an hour via a safe video link, and will be arranged at a time that suits. Young men taking part will receive a £20 shopping voucher as a thank you.
All data stored and quotes used will be completely anonymised. No names or information will be shared with any members of the university or public.
Dr Maria Barnes, researcher on the YARAH (Young Adult Relationships and Health) Study, said: “We know there are strong links between intimate partner violence and abuse (IPVA) and poor mental and physical health, but we don’t know much about IPVA in young adult relationships. We will be listening to the views of young men and women, whether they are instigators of violence or survivors.
“We’d particularly like to hear from young men because their voices are not often heard in studies of this kind. Understanding young men’s experiences, will give us a better understanding of the causes of IPVA and its impact on young people’s health and wellbeing.”
To find out more about the study, visit the study website.
How to take part
For more information and to take part please contact:
Researcher: Mobile: 07971 754258
Maria can call at a time that suits you – just text your message.