The University of Bristol has been awarded an NIHR Clinical Lectureship programme in Primary Health Care. This post provides an excellent opportunity for a general practitioner who has completed a doctorate and has outstanding potential to develop a successful career in academic primary care. The Centre for Academic Primary Care in Bristol is one of the leading units for primary care research in the UK and is a member of the NIHR School for Primary Care Research. It provides a thriving and supportive academic environment.
The lectureship programme will provide up to four years post-doctoral training to allow you to consolidate your career, develop your skills and begin to establish yourself as an independent researcher. The length of the lectureship will depend on your previous experience in academic medicine. The successful applicant will be encouraged to apply for further funding through a postdoctoral or clinician scientist award.
You will split your working week between service general practice and academic work at the University of Bristol. Within the sessions at the University, the main activity will be research, although there will be opportunities to make a limited teaching contribution.
Further information
The closing date for applications is midnight on Sunday 24th November 2013.
Short-listing is planned to take place in the first week of December. Candidates may be invited to give a presentation prior to their formal interview, as part of the final selection process. It is expected that the final selection process will be held on Thursday 19 December 2013.
The successful applicant must be able to take up the appointment by 31 March 2014, and must have completed their PhD or MD by this date.