Tim will examine the effectiveness of paying financial incentives to improve quality of care and the seminar will be relevant to anyone interested in primary care, public health or health policy. More details is given below.
Tim conducts research on the impact of financial incentives aimed at improving the quality of healthcare, leading to publications in the New England Journal of Medicine and other major journals. He was also a member of the Marmot review panel on Strategies to Reduce Health Inequalities.
Paying physicians for quality
"The drive to improve the quality and efficiency of health care has lead policy makers and health care funders worldwide to experiment with financial incentives for providers, despite a relative lack of evidence on the long-term effects. Incentives are incorporated into pay-for-performance programmes, which reward healthcare providers for achieving specified performance targets relating to the quality of delivered care.
This seminar draws on evidence from the UK and US to examine the effectiveness of financial incentives in improving quality of care. It also explores the potential unintended consequences, including fraud, neglect of unincentivised aspects of care and widening health inequalities."