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Professor Richard Huxtable leads an ethical review of Jersey’s proposed assisted dying law

Press release issued: 8 November 2023

Professor Richard Huxtable, Professor of Medical Law and Ethics and Director of the Centre for Ethics in Medicine has lead an ethical review of Jersey’s proposed assisted dying law. The review was commissioned by the Government of Jersey and the review team included Professor Trudo Lemmens (Toronto), and Dr Alex Mullock (Manchester). The team were selected as they hold a range of views on assisted dying. The panel are grateful to colleagues Dani O’Connor and Shengyu Zhao from the Centre for Ethics in Medicine, and Manchester’s Anna Nelson, for providing research assistance.

The report was published on 7th November 2023 and can be accessed here. The UoB press release can be found here. The brief was to outline the arguments and evidence on each side in relation to various questions about the current proposals. The task was not to explore whether assisted dying should be legalised in form (this decision has already been made, in principle, in Jersey), but how to do so in an ethically robust manner, in terms of (e.g.) who should be eligible and who should provide this.


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