alt="Picture of Clifton suspension bridge Bristol" " " alt="Placental Uptake and Transfer of Environmental Chemicals Relating to Allergy in Childhood Years"

University of Antwerp

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Picture of University of antwerp buildingThe Department of Paediatrics (Subgroup Pulmonology) is active in many
research areas, concerning asthma, sleep and cystic fibrosis in
children. In epidemiologic studies and clinical trials, the prevalence,
prevention and treatment of different atopic disorders is evaluated.
Lung function measurements such as forced oscillometry plays a key role
in the projects.

Project role

The department of Paediatrics will be responsible for the collection of samples; placenta, peripheral blood of the mother and child at the age of 18 months. A paediatrician will gather information about prenatal and postnatal exposure of the newborn by using questionnaires and will perform the clinical examination at the age of 18 months.

The Team

Prof.K.Desager, Department of Paediatrics, University of Antwerp,
University Hospital Antwerp, Wilrijkstraat 10, B-2650 Antwerp
In collaboration with Dr.V.Nelen (Provincial Institute for Hygiene,


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