Student profile: Lakshan Ram Madhan Mohan

Lakshan Ram Madhan Mohan

What is the topic of your research?
What are you aiming to do and how does it relate to other work in your field?

I work on the LHCb experiment located at CERN. My research tries to understand one of the most exciting anomalies seen in particle physics. Lepton flavour is an accidental symmetry in the Standard Model, however, recent measurements suggest that this might not be the case indicating at new physics. My work tries to quantify this new physics effect.

How far along the journey are you? First year, second year, writing-up etc.?
What has the journey been like so far?

I am currently in my fourth year and starting to write up the thesis. So far, it has been a challenging but very rewarding experience (it was a bonus that I got to live in Switzerland for 2 years).

What attracted you to the research opportunities at Bristol?

While I knew I wanted to do a PhD in particle physics, I wasn’t sure of which specific topic. The particle physics group at Bristol has a wide range of research interests and the academics are incredible people and they guided me very well.

What is Bristol like as a place to live?

Bristol is an amazing and vibrant city to live in. It has a rich an independent culture with something going on all the time.

What was it like starting a research degree as a new student?
What advice would you give to someone thinking about doing a research degree in Bristol Physics?

I did my undergraduate at Bristol as well so wasn’t entirely new to the school or city. That being said, the transition to a research degree was a completely different experience. To make it an easy transition, the School of Physics does offer some help, I would suggest getting involved in such activities and talking to peers and supervisors.  

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