Transferable skills
Transferable skills
The BCFN PhD training programme places a strong emphasis on developing skills, in particular, the professional skills, such as communication and group working that will help students to become better researchers and enable them to develop throughout their PhD and beyond. The first year of the 4-year PhD training has specific training courses on:
- Writing skills – being able to write for different audiences is an important skill for anyone doing a PhD. We provide practical training in different styles of writing and the opportunity develop these skills through support from our academics.
- Presentation skills – there are many opportunities to present your work and gain confidence in speaking in public through the THETA and Extended Project presentations, Journal Club and Industrial Training Modules.
- Poster preparation and presenting – we provide training on how to make eye catching posters and get the most out of presenting them for the BCFN Annual Conference and external meetings
- Public engagement – we offer the chance to engage with schools and the general public to talk about science and develop activities to inspire others through our research.
- Innovation and Enterprise – a 2-day course on how to nurture ideas and how to develop the intellectual property with input from local entrepreneurs.
Our transferrable skills programme is tailored throughout the life of the PhD, encompassing for example, specific Careers training in years 2, 3, and 4 as well as many more opportunities to engage with academics, schools and the public. Some of the training is run with other CDT cohorts in Bristol, and provides opportunities for meeting students from other disciplines. Additionally, the Bristol Doctoral College offers a wide range of additional skills development courses, which run throughout the year to ensure fully rounded personal and professional development.