Functional Materials by Synergistic Combinations of Amyloids and Cellulose

18 May 2022, 2.00 PM - 18 May 2022, 3.00 PM

Silvia Campioni - Cellulose & Wood Materials Laboratory, EMPA, Switzerland

Zoom ID 949 8362 9930

The environmental challenges faced by our society have dramatically increased the demand of novel sustainable materials capable to fulfil different applications. Biocomposites merging the highly attractive mechanical and functional properties of two natural polymers, such as cellulose and protein aggregates termed amyloids, are ideal candidates to satisfy these criteria. Still, little is known on the mode of interaction of cellulose fibrils with amyloid aggregates. We aim to investigate first at a fundamental level the mode of interaction of nanocelluloses with amyloids. Our long-term perspective is to discover novel functional material formulations that could have biomedical (e.g. antimicrobial coatings, drug delivery) or food science application (e.g. stable foams/emulsions). 

Our work has focused so far on the characterization of different amyloid or amyloid-like aggregates formed by a model food protein, hen egg white lysozyme (HEWL). Depending on the conditions used, HEWL self-assembles into semi-flexible long fibrils or highly flexible worm-like particles. Interestingly, these particles possess antimicrobial properties against different types of bacteria (gram positive and gram negative) and Candida albicans. I will present the understanding we have gained so far on these particles, and on their interaction with nanocelluloses. Overall, these findings will support the development and fabrication of hybrid cellulose-based materials to target biomedical applications such as wound healing.


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