Neural Dynamics and Plasticity
Understanding how the brain works is one of the great challenges of the current century. Investigators in our School are focused on understanding the contribution of synapses, cells and circuits in the expression of behaviour. We apply molecular, electrophysiological, imaging and behaviour approaches to study fluctuating brain activity - neural dynamics – and longer-term alterations in the nervous system – plasticity.
Research under this theme includes:
- biochemical, molecular and cellular mechanisms that underpin neuronal functioning.
- molecular and cellular mechanisms of plasticity and how they relate to learning and memory.
- interactions between networks or circuits of neurons that underlie perceptual and behavioural responses.
- control of movement, emotion and behaviour.
- autonomic control of respiratory and cardiac function.
Neuroscience is inherently interdisciplinary and we collaborate closely with psychologists, biochemists, computer scientists, engineers, and clinicians under the umbrella of Bristol Neuroscience.

Working in this area
- Professor Richard Apps
- Dr Michael Ashby
- Professor Zafar Bashir
- Dr Zuner Bortolotto
- Dr Emma Cahill
- Dr Paul Chadderton
- Dr Shamik Dasgupta
- Dr Paul Dodson
- Dr Petra Fischer
- Dr Emma Hart
- Dr James Hodge
- Professor Matt Jones
- Professor Bridget Lumb
- Professor Jack Mellor
- Professor Elek Molnar
- Professor Tony Pickering
- Professor Hugh Piggins
- Professor Clea Warburton