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2. General properties of muscle & nerve Logo

The histology practical provides an opportunity to examine histological sections of normal nervous and muscle tissue. This support material is by no means comprehensive but it does give you an opportunity to look at histological images that are, on the whole, very similar to the what you are likely to see when you examine the slides in the pratical. You should also be aware that there is an interactive histology tutorial that is available to you on computers in the Physiology Teaching Laboratory (E13) and also in the library (room A5).
When looking at the images you need to ask yourself if you can identify all the histological characteristics that should enable you identify the tissue. What distinguishes cardiac from skeletal muscle (in terms of histological features), for example. Remember that some features are not so obvious as you might think, striations, for example, may not be obvious if you are using a low power objective lens or if your microscope is poorly set up.

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Copyright © 1998 University of Bristol. All rights reserved.
Author: Phil Langton
Last modified: 9 Jun 1999 20:33
Authored in CALnet