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MACMFTV composers win BAFTA award

17 July 2024

We are pleased to announce some exciting news from two recent graduates, who were visiting Los Angeles, California for the BAFTA awards:

Dear Music Department,
We are so excited to share some exciting news as graduates of the MACMFTV course. During our academic year, we had the opportunity to collaborate with various departments, including the UWE wildlife department. Alex and I met Nyal Mueenuddin last year, and instantly connected, working hard to create soundtracks that could give a voice of those who have lost their homes and families in Pakistan. In the fall of 2022, over 30 million Pakistanis were displaced by devastating floods caused by relentless monsoons and rapidly melting northern glaciers. Our documentary, When the Floods Come, provides an intimate look at the resilience and enduring spirit of Pakistani mothers, fathers, and children as they navigate this crisis.
We are delighted to announce that When the Floods Come won the prestigious Yugo BAFTA Student Award. We attended the ceremony in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, on Friday, July 12th. We were competing with two outstanding submissions from NFTS and being selected from over 800 global entries for BAFTA was already an incredible honour. We could not believe when they announced the winner and we walked on stage.
We would like to express our gratitude for the opportunities and collaborations we experienced during our studies. We look forward to what the future holds.
Please see pictures from the ceremony attached and links to the film and soundtracks below:
Best regards,
Manuela & Alexander

We wish Manuela & Alexander every success in their future careers!
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