The Emerging Research Cultures Project is conducting a survey in order to gain insights into the demographics of applicants to Wellcome funded PhD programmes.


The Wellcome funded PhD programmes are committed to increasing the diversity of their students. Data collection across all the programmes is an important part of meeting this commitment. This data collection is carried out by the Emerging Research Cultures project, and not by any one of the programmes individually.


By completing this short survey, you will be supporting us to better understand who applies for the Wellcome PhD programmes. These findings will enable Wellcome, and the institutions that host the programmes, to then improve access to the programmes, and ensure an inclusive environment for all students.


The information you share with us will not be used in any way to affect the outcome of your application and will not be shared with the programmes you are applying for. We do not collect any personal data and you will not be identifiable from the information you share. The information will be securely stored and processed by staff of the Emerging Research Cultures project, who will analyse patterns in relation to applications for Wellcome PhD programmes.


Since no personal data is collected, the survey does not fall under GDPR. The name of the programme applied to will be pseudonymised, and the data stored securely separately from other data. The anonymous data will be processed and stored according to the ethical approval of the Emerging Research Cultures project, that is on secure servers subject to UK law.


The survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Please access the survey at this link (


Thank you in advance for completing the survey.


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