
Neurodivergence manifests in many forms including autistic spectrum conditions (including Asperger’s Syndrome), ADHD, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, dyslexia, dyspraxia and Tourette’s syndrome. These conditions are not always visible but can result in different needs when it comes to communicating with others. It is estimated that around 1 in 7 people are Neurodivergent, meaning that the brain functions, learns and processes information differently (source ACAS). The Neurodiversity Staff Network brings together a group of staff who have experience of and/or interest in neurodiversity, more info here: Neurodiversity Staff Network

Stand Up Speak Out (SUSO)

Bullying, harassment, sexual harassment, assault and discrimination are not acceptable. Students and staff can report something anonymously or get advice.

Our Stand Up Speak Out (SUSO) Advocates (formerly called Acceptable Behaviour Supporters) are trained to help signpost to appropriate forms of support and next steps. It is a confidential, informal and judgement-free service and can even be used when you are worried about your own behaviour and its impact.

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