
The Academy of Medical Sciences recommends "that all early-career researchers consider finding a mentor to support their development; this may be done informally through meeting people at networking opportunities that [they] keep in touch with, or formally through mentoring programmes." The Medical School strongly supports a culture of mentoring and encourages their member of staff to mentor each other.

An internal mentoring scheme is run annualy, alongside informal mentoring opportunities at meetings and events. The School also promotes other mentoring opportunities including the following: Bristol Women Mentoring Bristol Women's Mentoring NetworkBristol Clear Mentoring Scheme , the Reciprocal Mentoring Programme for individuals from across the University from minority ethnic backgrounds to work with senior colleagues in a partnership Reciprocal Mentoring and the Elevate mentoring programme, a unique opportunity for staff from minority ethnic backgrounds who identify as female to meet, share, support and learn together from universities across the South West Elevate.

More information on Mentoring here: Mentoring.


Stand Up Speak Out (SUSO)

Bullying, harassment, sexual harassment, assault and discrimination are not acceptable. Students and staff can report something anonymously or get advice.

Our Stand Up Speak Out (SUSO) Advocates (formerly called Acceptable Behaviour Supporters) are trained to help signpost to appropriate forms of support and next steps. It is a confidential, informal and judgement-free service and can even be used when you are worried about your own behaviour and its impact.

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