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The Centre for Law at Work hosts Industrial Law Society Evening Meetings

5 February 2019

In 2018, the new Centre for Law at Work at the University of Bristol began hosting Bristol-based Industrial Law Society evening meetings. These are held in the Old Council Chamber in the Wills Memorial Building and offer a beautiful setting for the discussion of topical subjects by distinguished speakers.

The Industrial Law Society ( was established in 1964 and has been a key forum for debate between both sides of industry and all those engaged in the practise and study of employment law. The ILS is a registered charity, which promotes understanding of labour law and industrial relations. Its members are lawyers, academics, human resources and personnel practitioners, trade union officials and members, judges, journalists and civil servants. Companies, trade unions and educational establishments are corporate members. The ILS programme of evening meetings across the UK are integral to its activities. These meetings carry accreditation by the Solicitors Regulatory Authority and Bar Standards Board for continuing professional development.

The events at Bristol to date have included:

  • Dr Jennifer Collins and Professor Alan Bogg (University of Bristol) speaking on ‘Serious exploitation in work relations and the role of the criminal law: problems and prospects’ on 6 November 2018. Considerable interest in this topic and appreciation of their exceptional expertise, led to a further invitation to Dr Collins and Professor Bogg to deliver this seminar at the London evening meeting series in December 2018.
  • Max Winthrop (Partner& Head of Employment Law, Short Richardson & Forth) speaking on ‘Errors of Law and the right to appeal: too restrictive or too liberal, and what we can learn from other jurisdictions’ on 6 December 2018.
  • Sarah Fraser Butlin (Cloisters and Selwyn College) speaking on ‘Maternity and Pregnancy Discrimination: Knotty problems and future dilemmas’ on 17 January 2019.

We look forward to further events in 2019.

The ILS also publishes (with Oxford University Press) the renowned Industrial Law Journal ( Professor Tonia Novitz sits on the editorial board of that journal with special responsibility for the Recent Legislation section. For ILJ special issues co-edited by Centre members, see: and Recent papers given by Alan Bogg and Professor Michael Ford QC at ILS events are available at:

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