A new publication co-edited by the Law School’s Dr Clair Gammage and Professor Tonia Novitz examines economic, environmental and social sustainability in the context of trade, investment and finance.
The edited volume explores a range of issues, including the significance of labour standards and corporate social responsibility, and the challenges surrounding the realisation of a sustainable development policy. Engaging with the impact of international, national and regional mechanisms on the future of the planet, the book’s contributions offer interdisciplinary insights into legal frameworks through the lens of sustainability.
The publication includes a chapter by Clair and Tonia: “The Concept of Sustainability and its Application in International Trade, Investment and Finance”, as well as a chapter written by Clair entitled “Social Norms in EU-Free Trade Agreements: Justiciable or Not?”
Published by Edward Elgar Publishing, this edited collection is one facet of a larger EU Commission Horizon 2020 project on Sustainable Market Actors for Responsible Trade (SMART) led by the University of Oslo.
In a review of the work, Professor Beate Sjåfjell of the University of Oslo, and coordinator of the SMART project, said:
“Understanding the regulatory frameworks of trade, investment and finance and their impact on corporate sustainability is crucial. This highly topical volume provides fresh insights combined with a comprehensive analysis that makes it a necessary contribution not only in trade, investment and finance, but also for scholars, students and policy-makers of company law, corporate governance and business generally.”
Find out more about the book and its contributors on the Edward Elgar Publishing webpage.
Further information
Dr Clair Gammage is a Senior Lecturer of Law at the University of Bristol and Co-Director for the Law School’s Centre for Global Law and Innovation. Clair's research interests relate to international trade law (WTO); corporate social responsibility; the relationship between trade and human rights; and the trade:development nexus.
Professor Tonia Novitz is Professor of Labour Law at the University of Bristol and Co-Director for the Law School's Centre for Law at Work. Her research interests focus predominantly on labour law, international and EU trade and the protection of human rights.
The Centre for Global Law and Innovation (CGLI) brings together expertise in international trade law, innovation law, intellectual property law and digital economies to promote thought leadership on the legal challenges posed by digital economies and global trade.
The Centre for Law at Work is dedicated to fostering an interdisciplinary dialogue around legal issues related to work. Embracing a wide range of methodological approaches to the study of law at work, the Centre’s members academics combine internationally-recognised research profiles with a wealth of experience working with organisations that are responsible for policy-development, professional regulation and social advocacy. By engaging diverse voices and perspectives the Centre aims to influence policy at national, transnational and international levels.