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University of Bristol Pro Bono Society hosts inaugural Patron Lecture

Press release issued: 28 March 2018

On the 6th March, Becca Naylor – Head of Pro Bono for Europe, Middle East and Asia at Reed Smith – kindly took the evening to come to Bristol and speak about her very unique career path.

Thirty members of the Pro Bono Society listened to Becca discuss her impressive achievements. From working for six months at Reprieve before starting her LPC, to taking on her current role as the Head of Pro Bono whilst completing her training contract, Becca had a lot of insightful experience to share.

Perhaps the best part of the evening was the question and answer session that followed. Members asked a series of fantastic and varied questions, from asking for advice on how to balance working for a top city law firm alongside pro bono work, to what the highlight of Becca’s career was. The session overran without anyone noticing that time was running short, which is a credit to the engaging contributions from the group and Becca’s equally thought-provoking responses.

The Pro Bono Society are incredibly grateful to Becca for taking the time out of her busy schedule to visit Bristol, and we hope that she enjoyed the experience as much as we did. It has been fantastic to have her as a Patron this year, and we hope that her relationship with the society is long lasting.

Further information

Find out more about the work of the University of Bristol Pro Bono Society here.

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