Welcome to the University of Bristol Law School. You have worked hard to get here and have achieved fantastic results. Well done! We believe that you all have the potential to succeed in your law studies and will try to help you to do that.
You’re in an excellent place to study law! The iconic Wills Memorial Building, a landmark of the city, is home to the Law School. You’ll be spending many hours in this place over the next few years – particularly in our beautiful Law Library.
As you start to prepare for life as a student, there are also many practical things you’ll need to learn, such as where to do your laundry, where to buy books, and for some of you, how to cook a meal! Give yourself time to settle in and get organised for the year ahead.
Most people will want to consider getting involved in extra-curricular activities. There are hundreds of opportunities available and Bristol students have won awards for their voluntary work, including students in our own Law Clinic. Others may have ongoing responsibilities, such as part-time work or family commitments. It is important to have activities that give you a break from studies and Bristol is a fantastic city to explore. So take time to enjoy it.
University can be a time when you discover how close you can become to people you’ve never met before - but for some, it can also be a time when other people are not quite as one might have hoped. Be sensitive to those who might be struggling to settle in. Everyone will have their highs and lows, and sometimes those times can come just when pressure is mounting in other ways as well.
Most people have times like this and we are here to help you develop skills that will enable you to deal with the stress that is almost inevitable. But resilience doesn’t come naturally. It needs to be built. It is important to aim for the right balance in all sorts of ways; sensible eating, exercise, enough sleep, a good range of non-work activities (but don’t overdo it!) and an even balance between your subjects is important.
Who’s there for me? It’s good to remember that all the people who you’ve always relied on are still there – even if far away. But now you have each other too. There’s a chance to form a real community in the Law School. You’re all in this together. Look out for one another. Speak up if someone is struggling.
There’s also lots of support from the University. You can find detail of some of the services available by looking on the back of your U-card. www.bristol.ac.uk/studentservices which covers everything from accommodation to funding and careers. It also provides information on students’ health.
Student health is one of the most important of these services. The doctors are experienced in a huge range of issues. Some of their initial advice for students just starting out is:
- In order to receive medical care, you need to register with a General Practitioner. Most students choose Student Health as their GP.
- Make sure you get your MMR and Meningitis ACWY boosters if you haven’t done this yet
Supporting you in the Law School are 70 members of academic staff, 17 members of support staff, several lecturers in each of your subjects, your subject tutors and your personal tutor. A personal tutor is perhaps not quite a knight in shining armour or a fairy godmother – but someone who can guide you throughout your journey in the Law School, point you in the right direction, give guidance on academic and other issues and make sure things are going well.
Do make use of everything we have to offer. We’re here to help you. We all have consultation hours each week – or you can make appointments to see us via email. We hope your time in Bristol and at the Law School will be interesting and fulfilling. Best wishes!