On 11 October 2016 the Open Society Justic Initiative and HRIC convened a round table in London on the Challenges to the preventative monitoring under OPCAT in the context if counter-terrorism and anti-radicalisation measures. The event was a small gathering between the UN Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture (SPT) and representatives of the National Preventaive Mechanisms (NPMs) of Denmark, France, Norway and the United Kingdom. The event was held under Chatham House rules and discussed four core themes:
1) What are the approriate safeguards against torture and ill-treatment in the context of counter-terrorism measures?
2) The scope of the term 'deprivation of liberty'.
3) Operational issues in relation to the ability of the NPM to discharge its mandate as per the provisions of OPCAT.
4) Substantive issues in relation to the manner in which the variety of counter-terrorism and anti-radicalisation measures meet the international human rights standards.
The Outcomes Paper (PDF, 492kB) summarises the discussion for a wider audience.