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Professor Achilles Skordas: Inaugural Lecture - 'The End of Just War', 23 Mar. 2011

15 March 2011

Achilles Skordas, Professor of International Law, will be delivering his inaugural lecture "The End of Just War" on Wednesday 23rd March at 6pm in the Reception Room, Wills Memorial Building.

Achilles Skordas, Professor of International Law, will be delivering his inaugural lecture "The End of Just War" on Wednesday 23rd March at 6pm in the Reception Room, Wills Memorial Building.

The lecture discusses the transformation of the semantics of war. As the clarity of the distinction between legal and illegal wars is collapsing, 'just war' doctrines have become the battlegrounds of a new ideological confrontation. The question is, whether international law is still a factor to reckon with.

The lecture is followed by a drinks reception so please contact Nicola Fry for further information.

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