Royal Society: Microbiome Manipulation for Health

21 October 2024, 9.00 AM - 22 October 2024, 5.00 PM

Doubletree by Hilton Leeds City Centre

Can we manipulate the microbiome to improve human health?

Join this exciting interdisciplinary workshop for clinical, laboratory, bioinformatic and social science leaders. We will explore opportunities and threats in interventional microbiome research, discussing state-of-the-art science alongside broader societal and One Health perspectives. Our goal is to build a unique shared narrative, and expand a cross-disciplinary network committed to future collaboration.

The event is being organised by Professor Debby Bogaert, Dr Chrissie Jones, Dr David Cleary and Dr Anastasia Theodosiou, and will include highly interactive and interdisciplinary presentations by world-leading experts, including Prof Lindsay Hall, Prof Tim Spector, Prof Ed Kuijper, Prof Sarah Lebeer, Prof Jack Gilbert, Dr Conor Feehily, Prof Jamie Lorimer, Prof Beth Greenhough, Prof Luca Guardabassi, Dr Paul-Engeurrand Fady and Ms Toni Harman. During breakout sessions, delegates will work closely with these experts to discuss prospects and challenges in translational microbiome research, and define priorities for future research and implementation.

Click here to request an invitation

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