Bristol Health Partners Stakeholder Event introducing the ‘Palliative and End of Life Care Health Integration Team’

9 October 2024, 8.30 AM - 9 October 2024, 11.30 AM


This is an open forum to which all are welcome. The meeting will be of interest to colleagues and public representatives in the South West who are keen to improve the care and support offered to people who are approaching end of life, those close to them and into bereavement.

Health Integration Teams (HIT) are the mechanism by which Bristol Health Partners (BHP) seek to improve care in our region. They bring together health and social care professionals, managers, researchers and the public to tackle local health and care priorities and drive change across the region.

The Palliative and End of Life Care HIT is at the very early stages of development. We are holding this Stakeholder Event prior to submitting a Full Application to BHP. The purpose of this meeting is to share information about the HIT, invite stakeholders to help shape the form and direction of the HIT and to identify opportunities for collaboration.

Join the meeting on Microsoft Teams, Meeting ID: 328 376 349 542, Passcode: ob7468


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