'Pneumococcal vaccines: the (very) last miles

11 October 2022, 12.00 PM - 11 October 2022, 1.00 PM

Professor Stefan Flasche (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine)

G:09 Room, Fry Building and online

Hosted by the Bristol Vaccine Centre

The event will be held in person in G:09, Fry Building, however you can also join remotely via Zoom: https://bristol-ac-uk.zoom.us/j/96864071896?pwd=VkE4Tm0vTHMwc0IrOVdkVEJZVnBLUT09

Biography: Stefan Flasche is a Professor of Vaccine Epidemiology at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. He is one of the leading minds in the area of pneumococcal vaccine research and currently serves on WHO SAGE's working group on pneumococcal conjugate vaccines, as well as the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation's (JCVI) pneumococcal subgroup. Stefan's work focuses on using mathematical models to help better understand how to use existing pneumococcal vaccine more efficiently, reducing cost and maximising impact, and to help designing optimal future vaccine formulations. He works closely with a range of international partners including on vaccine trials and their interpretation in Vietnam and in humanitarian crises settings. Stefan has published over 100 journal articles on infectious disease epidemiology, not only on pneumococcal disease, but also on outbreak responses to Ebola virus disease and, more recently, SARS-Cov-2, among other research areas.

Contact information

Enquiries to l.danon@bristol.ac.uk

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