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Publication - Mr Paul Shabajee

    A Model for Green Design of Online News Media Services


    Schien, D, Shabajee, P, Wood, S & Preist, CW, 2013, ‘A Model for Green Design of Online News Media Services’. in: Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on World-Wide Web: WWW 2013. ACM Press / Sheridan, Geneva, Switzerland, pp. 1111-1122


    The use of information and communication technology and the web-based products it provides is responsible for significant emissions of greenhouse gases. In order to enable the reduction of emissions during the design of such products, it is necessary to estimate as accurately as possible their carbon impact over the
    entire product system. In this work we describe a new method which combines models of energy consumption during the use of digital media with models of the behavior of the audience. We apply this method to conduct an assessment of the annual carbon emissions for the product suite of a major international news
    organization. We then demonstrate its use for green design by evaluating the impacts of five different interventions on the product suite. We find that carbon footprint of the online newspaper amounts to approximately 7600 tCO2e per year, of which 75% are caused by the user devices. Among the evaluated scenarios a significant uptake of eReaders in favor of PCs has the greatest reduction potential. Our results also show that even a significant reduction of data volume on a web page would only result in small overall energy savings.

    Full details in the University publications repository