montage of seed corn winner projects Previous staff seed corn projects

See a list of all our previous staff seed corn projects we have funded.

Follow on seed corn projects

See our list of follow-on seed corn projects we have funded. 

PGR seed corn projects

 See below for a list of previous postgraduate researcher seed corn projects funded by the JGI: 

An exploration of how children want to view their health data

Sydney Charitos & Lauren Thompson

Large-sample evaluation of deep learning and optical flow algorithms in nowcasting radar rainfall events identified by information theory and hydrographs

Jiao Wang & Ahmed Mohamed
Making sea ice thickness maps in the Canadian Arctic operationally available Isolde Glissenaar
Machine learning based online discourse analysis of mental health and medication use Holly Fraser

Data Augmentation for Relational-Temporal Characteristics of High Return Stock via a Graph Neural Network-based Generation Methodology

Henry You


Super-resolution microscopy and deep learning: how low can we go? Abdelwahab Kawafi                         
Performance evaluation of a deep learning algorithm in radar-based rainfall nowcasting Ahmed Mohamed
Exploiting the deep learning technique to study a novel nano-modified polymer composite Anuradha Kamble

An automated deep learning pipeline for mapping Antarctic grounding zone from ICESat-2 laser altimetry                                                  

Tian Li  



Applying deep learning and high resolution satellite imagery to estimate income at the urban neighbourhood level

Thomas Statham                                     

Modelling Mobility Trajectories: Exploring individuals spatial behaviour and assessing the trend of the Bristol's population spatial interaction

Lenka Hasova

Evolutionary System for personalized wellbeing recommendations, A food and physical activity data-driven user study

Hugo Herrera

Real-time, On-Board Robot Assesment of In-the-Wild Child Social Dynamic for supporting education

Katie Winkle 
Optimization of ultra-thin radiation resistant compostites structures for space applications Mayra Lopez

Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering Method for Identifying valid Instruments and Hetergenous Casual Effects with Applications in Genetic Epidemiology and International Economics

Xiaoran Liang 



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