montage of seed corn winner projects Previous staff seed corn projects

See a list of all our previous staff seed corn projects we have funded.

Previous PGR seed corn projects

See a list of all our previous PGR seed corn projects we have funded.

Follow-on seed corn funding

The JGI was able to provide follow-on funds for previous staff seed corn winners to help develop projects and bid for further funding beyond seed corn.

See below for a list of projects funded in 2023:

2023 Follow-on projectsAwardeePrevious projects
Herding cats: An open sensor and AI platform for animal monitoring research and edutainment Axel
Transferring early disease detection classifiers for wearables on companion animals
Testing out digital methods to inform healthcare history Barbara
Visualising the past: Exploring data visualisation as a method to investigate the digitised archives of historical medical journals
Irish Financial Records from the Reign of Edward I:
What Applying Data Science Techniques Can Reveal
Digital Humanities meets Medieval Financial Records: The Receipt Rolls of the Irish Exchequer
Gender Representation and Stereotyping in Primary School Literature Chris
The ‘symbolic annihilation of women’ in primary school literature”
Categorical Chemistry and Machine Learning for Pharmaceutical and Agrochemical Development Ella
Chemspeed data capture and curation 
An enterprise to map urban economic activities, their geographies and dynamics Emmanouil
Unlocking bigweb archives: a toolto learn about new economic activities over space and time
Medfluencer: a socio-semantic network analysis method to investigate how medical influencers affect health discourse on social media Roberta

Medical Experts as Social Media Influencers of Networks of Practice in the Fight Against COVID-19 

PathoPainter: an early warning system for problematic recombinogenic pathogen lineages


Assessing the recombinogenic potential of novel bacterial lineages: Towards an early warning system for problem pathogens

Empowering Power Electronics with Edge AI: Data-Driven Online Condition Monitoring for Electrical Machines in More Electric Aircraft


Empowering Power Electronics with AI: Partial Discharge Detection and Classification using Machine Learning

Multi-modality approach for monitoring Alzheimer's disease progression Zahraa

Investigating biomarkers associated with Alzheimer Disease to boost multi-modality approach for early diagnosis

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