Secrets of Brain Health

The Secrets of Brain Health project is a partnership between researchers at the University of Bristol and BDH immersive combining the new scientific discoveries with cutting-edge visualisation.

MRI has been used to demonstrate how the structure of the brain is altered by what we do. The ability of the brain to remodel itself is one of its key features. The Secrets of Brain Health uses MRI scans in immersive virtual reality to illustrate the latest findings in neuroimaging research. The VR data visualisation tells the story of how the brain develops and matures; how complex neural networks are formed through the lifespan. 

Play the video above to discover how learning to play a musical instrument or aerobic exercise can form new neural pathways or even increase brain volume to help your brain stay healthy for longer. 

For more information on the origins of this project please see the VR Data Competition webpage here. 


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