Torty Sivill

Torty Sivill is a third year PhD student at the University of Bristol and the Turing Institute. She researches ethical AI, specifically methods for interpreting patterns in time series data and applications in healthcare. In her spare time you can usually find her in the pub. 

Talk Title - Explaining Explainable AI  

Explainability has become a recent buzzword in the AI community yet an understanding of what explainable AI really means remains elusive. In this talk, we provide a hands-on introduction to explainable AI. We illustrate the potential impact of unintelligible black box machines, what this could mean for society and why we should care! We will introduce recent explainability approaches which aim to mitigate these risks. We hope to empower the audience with an understanding of explainable AI, why it’s useful and what still needs to be explained before we can fully trust our algorithms.  

See Torty Sivill's talk recording.

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