Working Papers
We publish occasional working papers, policy briefs and expert reports that showcase ongoing research conducted by staff in the centre. Past working papers can be found below.
GIC: 04-16 |
Professor Timothy Edmunds, Dr John Downer, Dr Benoit Pelopidas, Carol Naughton, Dr Nick Ritchie. Briefing 27 Trident Renewal
GIC: 01-16 |
Timothy Edmunds, Andrew Dorman and David Dunn, Briefing 21 Trident Renewal (PDF, 163kB) |
GIC: 12-15
Oscar Berglund and Timothy Edmunds, Policy Report (PDF, 208kB)
Timothy Edmunds, Andrew Dorman and David Dunn, Armed Forces in Society Full Report (PDF, 308kB)
GIC: 06-13
Sarah Collinson and Mark Duffield, Paradoxes of Presence: Risk Management and Aid Culture in Challenging Environments (PDF, 1,332kB)
GIC: 05-13
Adrian Flint and Christian Meyer zu Natrup, Ownership, Participation and Crowd-Programmed Initiatives: Towards a Development Paradigm Based on Beneficiary-Led Aid
GIC: 04-13
Paul Higate, The Politics of Profile and the Private Military and Security Contractor
SPAIS: 02-13
Columba Peoples, New Nuclear, New Security? Framing Security in the Policy Case for New Nuclear Power in the United Kingdom, SPAIS Working Paper No. 02-13
Christina Rowley and Jutta Weldes, The Evolution of International Security Studies and the Everyday: Suggestions from the Buffyverse (PDF, 243kB), SPAIS Working Paper No. 11-12.
John Downer, Nuclear Safety: A (Charlie) Brownian Notion (PDF, 511kB), SPAIS Working Paper No. 7-12.