2016 outcome evaluation of debt advice funded by Money Advice Service

Authors: Andrea Finney
Funded by: Money Advice Service
Published by: Money Advice Service
Publication date: October 2017

Since April 2012, the Money Advice Service has been responsible for coordinating and improving standards of the UK’s debt advice sector. With this, it has also become a major funder of free-to-client debt advice. The Money Advice Service continually evaluates the advice services it funds. This report describes clients’ experiences of debt advice received in 2015 and early 2016 and assesses client outcomes three to six months after the closure of their case. It considers debt advice services provided in England and Wales and examines outcomes defined in the Money Advice Service’s Debt Advice Outcomes Framework.

2016 outcome evaluation of debt advice funded by Money Advice Service (PDF, 2,073kB)