James Browne

"Bristol offered a good mental training and exposure to an ambitious group of like-minded people from across the globe."

I studied geography and as it’s a subject that demands both creative and analytical thinking, it provided a good foundation for a business career where both are required.

I enjoyed a variety of activities outside my studies which provided a strong network of which I still take advantage today, professionally and personally, both domestically and overseas.

Bristol offered a good mental training and exposure to an ambitious group of like-minded people from across the globe, which was all fundamental in spurring me to look for a dynamic international career.

As a modern leader you need a healthy attitude to your own self-development – the learning journey should, and can, never stop. Bristol was good in this respect as there are a great many things to do (academic and non-academic) with a lot of talented people around.

This meant that there were always opportunities to learn and develop. Also, as the world gets ever smaller and more connected, leadership increasingly needs to be multicultural and international. Again, Bristol was excellent as it had a diverse student base and an ‘outward looking’ attitude.

I think a Bristol graduate is capable and rounded. Someone who, I hope, will always attack a problem with intelligence and ambition, and a holistic approach.

James Browne, BSc Geography, (2000), General Manager, Philips
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