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Examples - Involving learners actively

The example below describes grammatical principle and then asks the student to put it into action.

'To introduce quoted material'

The colon has other uses: it can also be used after a clause introducing quoted material. Have a look at this example.

The director often used her favourite quotation from Monty Python:

'I wasn't expecting the Spanish Inquisition.'

If the colon precedes a quotation, you should begin the language of that quote with a capital letter.


Which of these sentences uses the colon correctly?

Please select an answerIncorrect. The phrase before the colon cannot stand alone. Well done. You can use a colon to introduce a list as long as the phrase before the colon can stand alone and still make sense. Incorrect. You can not use a colon to separate the elements in a list.
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In this example, a static diagram has been turned into an interactive question.


Label the structures on the diagrams below, matching the A,B,C,D,E to the appropriate structure

Please consult the relevant section of the tutorial for the correct information.
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In the example below, we have an interactive Dragster Activity. Dragster is an education self test product that is used by the University of Bristol. If you need further information please contact .

In the example below we have an embedded video with a question that could be included for a higher level of engagement. The learner watches the video and has to respond to ensure they have processed the educational content. If you need further information please contact


Example Question

Fill in the gaps.

What advice did Joel Lambert give?

Just be well read on the topical issues, read The , The Guardian, and The New .

Just be well read on the topical issues, read The Times, The Guardian, and The New Scientist.

It is important to show real interest in topical debates as they are an important part of being a practitioner.
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